Hey! Say! JUMP First Day of Summary

Selasa, 20 Juli 2010 15.20

I read some peoples blogs about todays SUMMARY and apparently
it wasn`t the best start. Nearly all the members made a mistake, major
ones are: Yamada failed his performance of walking over a tight rope
and Chinen failed his performance of Air Circus Flying Swing and apparently
Chinen was going to through up(puke) but he was okay and apparently yamada
and chinen fell or something aswell.
The show looked likeit had some trouble during the performances.

Credit :: LJ

Source :: Ameblo

Chinen fell off from the Flying swing(no injuries)
in the ending yamachan is crying while saying "i love minna"something...something
Yabu:"we get some trouble and felt anxious but though we saw everyone's smile face i felt relieved."

Source :: Baidu

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